Restful day

zaterdag, april 09, 2011

I have been feeling under the weather these past days, but I was going a bit stir crazy sitting around the house and along with work I just felt a bit stretched. So Julia and I ended up having a restful day with the babies. Taking a nice walk in the forest and just hanging out and eating Julia's delicious cooking (become friends with a will always benefit from it ;) )!

We had to laugh, because Shakinah was putting every leaf in her mouth and Jacob was putting sticks in his mouth. We probably failed at parenting today :P Good for their immune system...although that dead bug that they were playing with probably was stretching it a bit far. 

words can't describe how much I love this little guy! He is such a little bulldozer and such a sweetie!! 

The Moms!! 
When Ki was born my Mum brought a bunch of my old baby clothes with her, which is so much fun, because some of them look like she just dropped in from the 80's. So today she had on one of the outfits and I had to chuckle. yes. chuckle.
got to love those shoulder frills. 

In news other than babies (I know shocking!) I have finally found it...and it does justice (almost) to the real thing. 
milk tea. 

for those of you who were on the ship with me in Taiwan...they know what this means...bubble tea. This stuff is so addicting! I actually was never a huge fan of the bubbles, but the tea kills me. So I found it in some little asian store in the town next to us. Once again this tea has made me an addict. 

This stuff drove us so crazy that in the laundry room one day...we took a break to run and get some bubble tea. In our uniforms and all. We made quite an impression on Taiwan. 

xx Bethany

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