Don't Play with Your Food

zaterdag, april 16, 2011

To be honest...I always thought if I was ever to have children...I would want boys. Only boys. 
I like how boys tend to be a little more wild. Tend to want to get more dirty. 
I just find little boys so much fun and full of energy. 

However, I didn't have a little boy and how I love having a little girl 
She gets dirty, is full of energy, but more dainty. 
So I still hold to the belief...children are meant to get dirty...clothes can be washed. 
Of course dinner manners are important for us too, but every now and then you just need to let loose. 
the entertainment you can find with a bowl. 
and this is what we do afterwards 
hosing down the baby 

Yesterday we spent the afternoon in Julia's garden soaking up some sun. 
Jacob was in daycare for part of the time so we had some girl time.

they were just putting in grass in the backyard. So Shakinah was in dirt heaven
my little albino. 

And I just had to show off my beautiful new appliance 
my new microwave/convection oven. 
It's so beautiful and was such a blessing!! 


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