
zondag, april 03, 2011

Friday I finally received my LAST diploma from my integration exams. Finally. I will never have to think about those horrible classes again...or studying for four ridiculously hard exams. I'm done. And I can stay in Holland. Or until Gert Wilders convinces the rest of Holland to make it harder on us foreigners. BUT we will not go there...

So in a previous entry I said, that Johan takes bad pictures. Yesterday Ki and I both looked presentable...so I asked Johan to take a picture. This is what he came up with :)

 well...is it the best one he's taken in a long while
Alas...I resorted to my own resources once again

I haven't had the right outfit to wear these shoes with (I've had them for 2 years now) and I finally got to wear them!! It made me so happy and Shakinah rocked her little uggs

I received my diploma and that is what counts. 
Another chapter in my Netherlands adventure comes to a close. 
Thank the Lord!!! 

Johan's Mother spent the weekend with us; what a great time it was, and Shakinah smiled every time she saw her Oma. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures...there was never a right moment. But there will be more moments with her during her stay in the Netherlands!

I am a HUGE fan of spring. There is nothing like spring. The new life. The blooming of flowers and trees. The smell. The love. I can easily say it's always been my favourite season. Saturday brought us weather...that almost could have been summer! Johan and I of course enjoyed a  bike ride and I couldn't help capturing this
you couldn't help but smile when you saw this. It was such a cheery sight! 

Then I made moroccan couscous with meat and vegetables. 
For my many failed cooking creations this one worked!! 
I got the recipe from my Moroccan neighbor! Yum!! 

It was so great sitting at the table and having a nice dinner...Johan has an aversion to dinner tables...so it was actually the first time we have ever sat at the dinner table (as a family) and had a meal. It was so special!! And it was such a joy having Anneke join us for that!

She is SUCH a daddy's girl! 

Today I worked...what a long day it was, but also quietly nice! This is my work at the moment. It's very good for my Dutch, but after a day of work...I kind of feel like shooting myself, and holding my daughter for the rest of the time. 

All in all it was an enjoyable weekend, but man am I happy that it is over. Finally some sleep 

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