
maandag, april 04, 2011

As I said in my last entry. I adore spring. And this spring brings new kinds of love to my life, which I seem to be blossoming from. The most obvious new love is my daughter. I never knew it was possible to love someone so selflessly and completely. She is my sunshine and I praise God every single day for her little life. She brings so much love to my days it's unexplainable. 

The less obvious "new" love is with my husband. We've had a bit of a shaky start to our marriage with all the visa problems and me having to leave the Netherlands every three months for three months. And now we are nearly reaching our third year of marriage; we have been transitioning this year into a new stage of our life together. And this today actually marks the first time Johan ever spoke to me. So I thought I would dedicate this entry to liefde. Love. 
And as much as I love love. I also love honesty. It hasn't been all perfect and romantic: two people from different cultures, two completely opposite personalities, and a decade of age difference...we had quite a long adjustment period to each other. And are still in the process of...

and there have been moments when we have thought...can we really do this and come out on the other side still in love? 

and I wondered where the exciting...can't-sleep-can't-eat kind of love that we once felt for each other was? 

and of course in the future we will have more moments where life has it's bumps, and I pray that God gives us the grace, wisdom, and love to be able to deal with each situation as they arise. 

But this spring has brought a whole new love for each other. It's a deeper love than before...and a more comfortable love. Maybe not as exciting as the beginning, but much more learned. And still that I can look at my husband (and he at me) after one of us has just screwed up, and have the certainty that that person is still going to love you on the other side is...amazing! 

So here's to the love of my life: Johan. For worse and for better!! 
This was such a beautiful beginning to my day I had to take a picture. 
Johan bought me the roses as a congratulations over my diploma. So sweet!! 

This here is Ki's boyfriend: Jacob. He is half Slovakian and half Dutch and 9 months old.
They are in love. And spend the whole time sharing binky's and picking on poor Farah.
and talking about how screwed up they are going to be because they are mixed breeds.

This is my sweet slovakian friend Julia. 
Shakinah is a big fan of her

They enjoy going out on walks into town in Ki's kinderwagen. 
And Yacob loves impressing Ki with his musical skills. 


the first ducklings of spring. 
Oh what a happy time!! 

"There are those who think that I am strange 
They would box me up and tell me to change 
But you hold me close 
and softly say
that you wouldn't have me any other way."
-mindy gledhill


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1 reacties

  1. Love love love all the pictures, Bethany! =) Here's to spring and LOVE! =)
