Razor Sharp

woensdag, april 13, 2011

Today Shakinah cut her first two bottom teeth. 

Unfortunately...I didn't even realize that she cut teeth until my friend Julia noticed. 

Here's the story about why I was so embarrassed about Julia noticing Shakinah's teeth before me. 
After 8 months I still haven't figured out how to fold the stroller and put it in the car.  
I can't figure out how baby seat belts work 
and when it comes to working a baby gate I am completely helpless. 
Julia has to come and open it for me. 
We always have a good laugh about it, but we both know that I was meant to be a mother in more primitive times. 

So everyday I check Shakinah's mouth looking for little teeth...and the one day I don't. 
TA DAAAA Julia finds it. 
Motherhood failure. 

Shakinah of course had a rough day 
excuse the facial redness. she had a reaction to strawberries. (which makes this even more pathetic)

Then she thought. Well maybe I can do something about it
So she chewed on her medicine tube
the she chewed on her hand 
then she chewed on her seat buckle 
then she chewed on the seat itself 
then I turned the corner and she was chewing on a bike stand. 
poor kid. 
I would like to say it was because she cut the teeth, but the chewing on everything is actually a normal day in the van Koningsveld household for Shakinah. 
Now we start off a morning with no sleep last night. 
but at least I get to look at this: which stands outside of our apartment. 

spring and teeth :)
new changes developing everyday
my baby girl is getting so big 


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