No eggs, but lots of Praise

zondag, april 24, 2011

Happy Resurrection Sunday!! 

"I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die."
-- John 11:25-26

This week has had some real low moments
and God has just been so constant through everything and in His grace has given me a peace that surpasses all understanding. And I just love that today is to celebrate 
His resurrection!! 

"Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song."
-- Pope John Paul II

Now, in honour of easter and being up earlier than most everyone in this country, I thought I'll do something different and post pictures of my daughter...oh wait that's no so different! I have a few days to catch up: 

Wednesday I walked into Shakinah's room to find this
Seriously the best thing in the world to wake up to. 
She has never stood up in her crib before so it was quite a sweet surprise 
love her morning eyes
She was looking like such a little sweetie in one of my old outfits 
She wants that glass SO bad
This is her belly swim. She always does this when she's excited
Then it was such a warm day Julia and the babies went to the Rhine 
sweet pregnant mommy and her little guy 
"oh it tastes so bad, but I just can't stop myself" 

Johan and I went for a walk Thursday in the forest and we both felt like running a bit
And Farah really likes to pull things. She was meant to be a husky
So we came up with a solution 
I would run in front to encourage Farah forward 
And Johan would run next to the stroller to make sure Shakinah was safe! 
It was so much fun!!! 
Shakinah was laughing the whole time!

Shakinah's first shoulder you can see by her face...she enjoyed every second of it
A man, his daughter, and his dog. 
does it get much cuter?? 

Have a beautiful day everyone 

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