Boots Baby and Squirrel Baby

donderdag, maart 29, 2012

We have had a couple warm days and I have to say waking up to blue skies has been quite a treat! 

Sweet right? 

the reality

Ki's new favourite thing is to try on shoes 
except with Johan's shoes she can seem to figure them out 
So she puts them on backwards every time and walks around like this

Her favourite choice is my cowgirl boots
She definitely is her Father's daughter

This next picture is honour of my Tukeybear (my Father)
He has always called me squirrel and now I guess Kaliya is Squirrel 3.0

Shakinah loves having a dog and I think sometimes Farah likes having a toddler 
But I can't be exactly sure...


Of course there are times Farah gets the last laugh.

This is our yard after we took down the two giant pine trees in the back
and yet they still find a place to relax and hang out

First ice cream of the warm weather

I bet Tuk is just thinking, 
Don't laugh at a kid acting like a brat. 
It's probably true but sometimes we torture her for a good laugh 


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