Super heroes and Nature Reserves

maandag, mei 02, 2011

I gave Shakinah a shower and as I got her stuff together to dress her I sat her on the ground in her towel and this is what I came in the room to find
she was so proud of herself
it was too funny seeing her crawling in her little cape. 

I have been having this desire to grow something for awhile now
so when my friend Rhode gave me a little can of some flowers...I cannot describe how happy I was
and proud that they are growing. 

Johan and I since we got married have this orchid. 
This Orchid for the first two years of our marriage...always was in bloom. 
It was beautiful to see. 
Then when I got pregnant. It died. Not that the blooms fell off, but the leaves shriveled up. 
I could not bare to throw it out. So I put it behind a chair in Shakinah's room, and I didn't look at it for 8 months (don't ask how dusty it was behind  there. 
And this is what I found. 

my survivor plant. So now once again it sits on our window sill. 
Thriving as ever. 

Johan and I decided to go for a Bike ride yesterday
and we ended up going to the nature reserve in Wageningen 
They have free roaming horses and cows (amongst other animals) 
and it was just very beautiful and peaceful. 

i call this one...the pout. 

this was so unexpected, but was perfect to see

sleeping baby 

what a great day


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