July Babies

donderdag, augustus 23, 2012

I am a little behind 
And the further behind I get the more the pictures pile up that I would like to share. 
So this will be a longer post over some of our July happenings. 

Shakinah had discovered the not so cutest face to make in July 
It was quite hideous to be honest and she did it all the time. 

July 4th outfits that my grandma sent over

Little did my grandma know that Shakinah's outfit was the Dutch flag

We spent the 4th at my friend Jael's house having an unconventional but truly lovely 
4th of July party

I guess Kaliya got a little lonely

Ki was obsessed with wanting to wear my earrings in July 
So i figured out a solution

Uncle Sam came to visit in the July and the girls loved that! 

and of course July calls for frequent ice cream eating 

Kaliya started eating food in July 
which she greatly enjoyed

i got pigs in July for a month

I loved them more than I can explain 
for the time I had them! 

Kaliya became even more smiley in July 

I babysat Julia's kids in July for a couple days 
which was a whole lot of fun

Shakinah and Jacob got a lot of kisses in July 

and lots of romantic moments! haha 

I love Sofie's face here 

We had a barbecue with Johan's aunt and uncle and of course we had to have corn on the cob
Shakinah was a big helper! 

There were lots of lunch time moments with friends in July 

Farah was not such a fan of July 

But for the most my most precious memories of July were spending time with friends 
my man

and of course my babies! 

I will leave you with this series of pictures that cracked me up 


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