
Snow Babies

maandag, februari 06, 2012

It's true the first snow of the winter happened 
And we are errrrr....loving it? 
Guess Ki takes after my view of cold weather.
Although Johan looks like a stud muffin in this picture. Rawr!

We took an evening walk in the snow

Love my family!

And now the family is complete again 
(Farah was away for 6 weeks, because of my Mum being here)

oh we're so happy to have our little dumbo back!

Uncle Sam came to stay with us Friday evening 
And Shakinah was so happy
She loves her Uncle Sam more than anyone I think (except Papa of course)

She never cuddles with anyone 
and then she was just sitting with Sam as happy as anything
It was so precious

Took my little monsters on a 2 hr walk with Farah through the woods. 
We are so fortunate to have the woods literally across the street from us. 
I love it!
Kaliya enjoyed her time in the moby!

I am passionate about trees. 
Trees are my favourite things in nature
I'm crazy about trees! 

So thankful for Johan that he works so that I can be home with my girls! 
Love being a Mother more than anything!

I missed her so much!

Kaliya turned a month last Saturday! 
Can you believe how time is flying?? 


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