Grammy's Babies

zaterdag, januari 14, 2012

We have been so blessed to have my Mum come stay with us for 5 weeks. 
I think I probably say it every five minutes but I don't know what I would do without her here! 
Not only did she deliver my daughter, but to not have to cook and not to have to worry that Shakinah is getting the care and attention she needs as a 16 month old; plus the million other things my Mum is helping out with means more than I can say! My gratitude is endless! 
I love my Mum for being such a great example of putting her children as a priority and willing to sacrifice her schedule, her comfort, and her energy for us! 
Thanks Mum!
I love this!! Shakinah and Grammy matching! 

I will now update some pictures of Shakinah since I've been a bit behind!

Gangsta Baby

Bedtime Baby

Phone Talking Baby

Enjoying the Sunshine Baby

Since I have not updated in awhile in a previous post I mentioned we bought a house! 
We have been living here now for nearly two months (wow hard to believe)! We are still completely in love with the house and so thankful for the huge blessing and provision of it! Johan has been AMAZING with painting, plastering, flooring, lighting and making the house really into a home! He's amazing with how handy he is...and how he tackles every new challenge with the house! 
So finally here are a few pictures...there will be more to come eventually

The living room is an open floor plan so this is looking towards our garden from the front of the house house

this is the kitchen area looking at our garden 
and this is the front of the house, where the first picture was taken from
(we are in love with our fireplace!)

this is the view from the front window (the front garden still needs work)

this is the front of the house...which we hope to eventually paint white
it's definitely a project house: a fixer upper, but we couldn't be happier with our home! 
We're project people!

The sun was out yesterday so we enjoyed it a bit and took a nice walk to the center of the city! 

Mommy and her girls (getting good use of the Moby again)

Grammy's girl

My Mum wanted a picture of the house

and ....

I'll leave you with a little Kaliya smile
(if that doesn't brighten your day I don't know what will)


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