Where the Wild Things Are

maandag, maart 28, 2011

Today Shakinah kept on gravitating towards the dryer. Every time I would enter the bathroom with her she started yelling and reaching for it. Finally I thought well if I just put her in it then she doesn't like it so much anymore (I know I can hear you all judging, great mothering tactics ;) ) 

unfortunately my plan backfired and now all she wants to do is get into the dryer. 
Nothing like making your kid into a "weirdo".

As Ki and I were hanging out on the floor waiting to go visit a friend.  I suddenly had a flashback to a book I read as a child. 

The fact that she was also growling didn't help either. 

I guess with me as her Mother there's not much chance that she wouldn't be a weirdo. 


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