
woensdag, maart 30, 2011

With Johan's ever changing schedule we adapt our weekends. And thankfully I didn't have to work on our "weekend". Which so happened to be on Monday and Tuesday.

 Monday was still quite a busy day, so yesterday we decided to take a nice bike ride to Rhenen. Which is a cute little town on the Rhine river.
(this is stolen from the internet)

 Shakinah enjoyed the ride and we sat down there and had a nice lunch of "friets". 

Which is "fast food" over here. There is a wonderful selection of sauces...I always take mine with a curry sauce and mayonnaise with chopped onions ontop. Johan the same except with peanut sauce instead of curry which is called a "patat oorlog" which translated means "war fries". Kind of fits him.

Shakinah was getting all the attention from the elderly people and was hamming it up in her little hat. I didn't take an after shot of the the mess she made of that biscuit.

It was such soft weather that on the way back we decided to go through the forest. And it almost felt like  we were away from people. Besides the cars that would pass us every 10 seconds. Never the less it was a perfect day! 

me and my little sweetie!! 


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