I guess I should give this a little background before I just dive into my stories and pictures. Shakinah has been a little devil when it comes to eating vegetables and meat. Anything that is sweet no problem, she devours it. However, when it comes to anything not sweet... no ma'am. I've tried it every way I could think of (that wouldn't permanently scar her from veggies), but often times it would end up sprayed across my face. I've tried pureeing it, cubing it, making choo-choo train noises, doing a dance, slipping it in her mouth when she's yawning. To no avail... my daughter has a sweet tooth. I have persisted for nearly two months now. And each day the same thing.
So last night I gave up. I sat at the chair eating my meal. Shakinah was in her high chair playing with her sippy cup. I put a little broken up macaroni in front of her, a little tops of cooked broccoli, and tiny pieces of chicken to entertain her while I enjoyed my meal. What does she do?? She starts shoveling it in her mouth. So I give her more. She wipes it clean. I giver her some water. Gone. my daughter is eating all the main components of the dish, and loving it. TRIUMPH!
This is why being a Mom is so awesome, because it's the simple little things that we do every day without thinking (like eating vegetables) and suddenly you realize how it didn't just happen with a snap of the fingers...we had to learn it...and as a Mother, you are helping someone develop a skill that will become second nature to them one day. How cool is that???
This is where Farah positions herself during every meal time (she may have a half a brain, but suddenly when food is involved she is a mastermind).
After she ate her dinner I gave Shakinah a biscuit as a reward (I did learn some parenting tactics from raising a dog:P ). And as I was taking a picture of Shakinah this happens.
Yes Shakinah's hand is in Farah's mouth. I'm a pretty relaxed Mom, but even this freaked me out. I thought great...I'm taking a picture of my daughter's hand being bitten off by my dog. I'm pretty sure that would have made it to epicfail.com
Obviously if this would have ended in tragedy I wouldn't even be writing this. Shakinah thankfully still has a hand. Farah was very very gentle with her (it happened three more times).
After she gave her last biscuit to Farah. this is the look she gave me.
No that's not creepy at all.
Then they played afterwards for awhile.
Then Shakinah started falling asleep on my leg (so pathetically cute).
Big day for baby. Big day for Mommy.