Sick Baby and Unborn Baby

maandag, augustus 15, 2011

We have had an interesting start of  Shakinah's first year. 
She had a severe allergic reaction to something (thinking it might be gluten) and had to be rushed to the hospital. The scariest moment of my life as her face swelled up past recognition and her lips and tongue swelled up as well. Her hands and feet were at least triple the size they normally were and her body was covered covered covered in hives! Considering she had never had an allergic reaction to anything until this happened which took place in a very short amount of time it has been a battle of a weekend. After 4 days her swelling is finally down! Praise the Lord, and she is finally back to her old ways! Enjoying (errr wrong word) a gluten and dairy free diet at the moment until we figure this thing out.

this was day three after the calamity. 

 However...I thought I would update you on that, because I know a lot of people have been sending well wishes and prayers our way...and we really really appreciate it!

 Today, I had my 20 week ultrasound (Can't believe I'm already 5 months or... that I am only half way there) 

The baby was strong and healthy and every bit as active as Shakinah was (which I already knew because it has been persistent in kicking and rolling around all night long!)
I decided I wanted to know what the baby was this time around. So I was all excited to find out. 
But little proper baby had it's own idea and tightly kept it's legs closed and sat in that spot directly under my navel (which makes a blind spot for the  midwife) the entire time. So once will be a surprise! We have our plans...and this baby clearly has its own :)

me and baby vk #2 at 20 weeks. 

Shakinah's first birthday was last monday and of course in our fashion had a very low key birthday
which we all enjoyed immensely! 

Thanks Ali for the sweet skirt and sweater!!! 
Shakinah looked so sweet! 

She loved the wrapping paper best of all. I should have just wrapped a bunch of boxes and given her nothing...and she probably would have enjoyed it the same (note to self with second baby:) )

Of course it wouldn't have been a party without Julia and Jacob coming. And Julia baked and decorated the cutest cake for Shakinah 

Julia and I are a month apart in our I am really blessed to have a friend who I am able to relate so closely with being pregnant and having a one year old!

Thanks Alicia for the hat! And Mum for the's the perfect combination for a July outing in the Netherlands haha

And of course at the end of a long tiring week...sometimes you just want your buddy to relax with.


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2 reacties

  1. Hi Bethany:

    I sure hope they get her allergy figured out. This may be an odd question, but did she get a whooping cough vaccine? The reason I ask is, I had one shortly after Trig was born, and ever since then, I have had reactions to food like no other. I have never been allergic to a thing in my life, and now....its a new life. I can't have any dairy or eggs. They thought gluten, but it turns out I'm ok there. We mostly have eliminated gluten as it seems all the kiddos do better without it.

    I have learned a ton having my food world turned upside down. If you want to read some great books on this, get a book called, THE CHINA STUDY. It has really opened my eyes to why a lot of us get sick.

    Let me know if you have any questions. I hope you all are well...and that cute little baby is doing great.

    We are due Dec 10th btw... when are you all due?

  2. hey Ryan! No Shakinah hasn't had that vaccination or any recently. Thanks for the thought though! I am lactose intolerant so eliminating milk isn't really an issue, but man...gluten is definitely making everything a bit more of a challenge. I'll definitely look up that book! And I'm not sure if I ever congratulated you on the newest pregnancy, but congratulations! Awesome!!! Our baby is due January 5th! How is Trig doing?? Much love to the whole family
