Little House on the Prairie Babies

woensdag, maart 20, 2013

Now that it is officially spring 
I will finish up my winter pictures 

We had very few lazy days
but we managed to catch a few quiet moments 

Ki loves taking naps with her Papa! 

February brought a very special visit
Johan's sister Mirjam and our absolutely adorable niece, Hannah! 

Seriously does that not break your heart from sweetness??! 

The girls loved Hannah 

And we loved every moment with both of them! 

One week apart cousins! 

Johan's aunt and uncle and cousins came to visit us while Mirjam was here 
and it was a lovely time


March brought on a blossoming toddler 
Kaliya has really just developed this crazy loving little personality and it seemed to 
burst out even brighter this month 

It also brought about some sweet sisterly moments 

It brought around a lot of mess 
from one 

And a lot of paranoia of making a mess 
from the other

Shakinah spent a great deal of time one day watering the weeds

She was very proud of herself

Farah was unimpressed

We had a couple lovely days 
And something awesome about the Netherlands in most villages there 
are small petting zoos 
and so we went to one 
with the girls that is nearby us  
and it also has a great playground too 

We had a lot of laughs

and giggles

And we were very impressed by the peacock that was showing off for us 
First time I've ever seen that! It was beautiful! 

Winter unfortunately brings a lot of rainy cold days here
And days when the girls were sick 
So Shakinah decided she wanted to play dress up with some of my old dresses 
And she loved this dress that looked like a Laura Ingles Wilder dress 
and so we made a little photo shoot out of it. 
We had such a great time! 

And then they discovered their Easter dresses 
so I guess 
Happy early Easter! 

And I'll leave you with this to welcome spring 

Not sure what Johan's problem was, but the girls are cute 

Happy Spring!! 


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