
Dirty Baby

donderdag, mei 26, 2011

The other day I was washing dishes and Johan frantically called for me to come in the room
I got very nervous so I ran into the living room with soaking hands
and ran into find Shakinah snuggling with Farah in her basket
(which technically she's not allowed to do but it was pretty darn cute).

Ki loves to hang out in the kitchen while I cook or clean and to open the cupboards and discover (destroy) what's inside. Her recent find has been the strainer, which she loves to put on her head.

Then she started yelling into it. For like 10 minutes straight. 

Then Johan told her to be quiet and this is the look she gave him. 


As we have seen before. Shakinah likes to make dinner an experience.
The other day she was eating appelstroop on her bread and she thought what a great idea to play with it

if you enlarge this (by clicking on the picture) you can see her two teeth. 
So cute
There was even appelstroop in her diaper. 


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