The title for this entry explains itself, but I thought I would still say somethingbecause we all know I am not one for keeping my mouth shut. Josiah has been with us for 5 days now and will stay with us for a week longer. We are enjoying having him immensely. He's my best friend and a very "chill" guy. So it's very relaxing having...
The other day I was washing dishes and Johan frantically called for me to come in the roomI got very nervous so I ran into the living room with soaking handsand ran into find Shakinah snuggling with Farah in her basket(which technically she's not allowed to do but it was pretty darn cute). Ki loves to hang out in the kitchen while I...
Shakinah has been having a busy month, and i think for the next days we will have enough pictures to update and catch everyone up. Johan's sister and brother-in-law stayed with us for a week and a half, and Shakinah just loved spending time with them! Anneke came down for a couple different we all enjoyed spending time together!Of course Shakinah is...
I realized I haven't posted in awhile.Things have been a bit hectic lately and I believe it will remain that way until we go to the states in June. Here you recycle your glass. So we have a bag in our kitchen where I keep any glass that we use. Today I walked out of the room for a minute and returned to this ...
I gave Shakinah a shower and as I got her stuff together to dress her I sat her on the ground in her towel and this is what I came in the room to findshe was so proud of herselfit was too funny seeing her crawling in her little cape. I have been having this desire to grow something for awhile nowso when...